Cyprus Fintech Expo 3.0 took place on the 16th of Jan 2020, and we were there once again!
PHILOSHOPERS were there to join and interact with other leading experts from the Financial Services and FinTech industries. This year’s Fintech consisted of presentations and expositions of new innovative technologies surrounding the topics of Open banking, Digital signature, RegTech, the Future of Fintech, the Psychology of the consumer and other. Meaning it was a great chance to learn more about and discuss the current business environment and future of the industry.

New market needs, shifts in business models, opportunities, risks, and challenges, have been re-introduced following Covid-19. Adaptation has always been vital. Therefore, being able to see the big picture and know what the best path is to follow, has been the forefront of business inquiries. What better way to find solutions and shape a better future with an event where industry leaders and great minds come together?
Thank you IMH for organising such a valuable event. We left content knowing we are keeping in pace with the industry and on track for growth. Our discoveries during the event will aid us to reflect and revamp our solutions so that we can provide better for our customers.