As consumers we experience more and more the convergence of physical with digital. As we purchase goods from digital channels (eShops as an example) we also want to be able to purchase digital products (Like eVouchers, tickets, etc) from physical stores
SMASH eVOUCHERS is a framework enabling the end-to-end management & sale of digital products accross channels and Points of Sale
This is what enables you to find, purchase and use digital products. Such products can come in the form of eVouchers (e.g.Mobile/Airtime TopUp, Prepaid internet cards, Calling Cards, AppStore or Gaming Credits), Gift Cards, Money Vouchers (For digitalising cash towards using online), Tickets (For public transport, events, theatre etc), Coupons, Charity Donations and others.
The good news is that such digital products can be simply and securely purchased at your convenience: from the c-store of your neighbourhood (kiosks, mini markets etc) from large supermarket chains on the same receipt with your groceries, from e-commerce platforms and online shops, through mobile apps (such us shopping apps, eWallets etc) or self service terminals!
The robustness and flexibility of our solution gives YOU the choice while retailers, distributors and the suppliers of such products have all the tools in their hands to offer a simple and exciting experience for you through dedicated terminals, integrated with their current checkout application or through e-shops or mobile apps we develop for them or connect with their existing!
Download the SMASH eVoucher Brochure today!